Category: The Ingterneck

  • Happy Birthday Curiosa Felicitas

    A year ago today, I gave in to several friends‘ suggestion that I should start a blog. I had already registered a Blogger account the year before that, just so’s I could stalk some people and leave comments. But my friends, they were quite eager for me to start blogging, and I suspect it was…

  • UFOs destroy My Very Own Glob

    I was trawling through my statcounter’s referrer stats and discovered that someone doesn’t like something that’s been written here, and has set this thingamajig to send UFOs to destroy my blog. He or she even set the Destruction Level to ‘Massive’ too! Nabeh! Basket! Vart have I done to deserve this? I am a saint!…

  • Sunday surfin’

    Because both Mandrake and Cowboy are openly smitten by Lynn’s scintillating manner of writing, I shan’t be shy about it either. In her latest post, which seems to be the first in a series, she talks about what really happens in the hallowed residential halls of NUS (National U-Nair-Study of Singapore). I believe sex will…

  • I’m too sexy for my blog: national coverage

    This morning, Xiaxue told me that I had been called a ‘pervert’ on a national newspaper, and I knew the ‘sexyblogger’ gag had reached heights unprecendented for any Singaporean online stunt. But there are some technical problems with flickr at the moment, and pictures tagged with ‘sexyblogger’ aren’t appearing properly. But donch worry, all is…

  • Welcome to the A-Star red State

    There will be people who find the above image highly offensive and insensitive. Well. We can amend it a little and call it the A-Star patch. We might as well tattoo HIV positive Singaporeans. Or since we’re such a connected city, we’ll put some chip in ’em, or something. Tourists and visitors who are HIV…