Category: The Ingterneck

  • Maybe I weighed in on the mature issues?

    Nabeh, what does a blogger have to do to get noticed? How come Steven McDermott didn’t name this blog as one of the infanteow ones? I did everything right! I have chiobu pictures, I have iTunes music, I have Surf Stops, I talked about Fiona Xie, I talked about the weather, I talked about blogging!…

  • I posted on Tomorrow today

    There is so much work. There is so much else other than work. My sleep debt is piling up and I’m having trouble paying back the interest alone. But cannot schleep! Because why? Because we live in such essiting times! We have a new project leh! Like so: I know lah! Everybardy already put this…

  • Cosa nostra

    For us to live any other way was nuts. Uh, to us, those goody-good people who worked shitty jobs for bum paychecks and took the subway to work every day, and worried about their bills, were dead. I mean they were suckers. They had no balls. If we wanted something we just took it. If…

  • Linky stuff

    So busy with work, so long blog posts will have to wait. Steph Song’s really back in town, and she called yesterday from her land phone, which I didn’t know the number of, and so answered the call very politely. She greeted me politely too, like someone who’s about to kill me would. Where didja…

  • Medium of instruction

    There’s been a spate of ‘how to blog’ blog posts lately, and it looks like I’ll have to chip in because people, they are waiting for me to say something. But before I could, mr ‘lightning with the phone messaging’ brown sent me this: When you blog, young master, you must remember to include many…