Month: April 2010
Regular programming will return
Naomi and I have been more than a little under the weather, and it’s been tough even updating blogs and tweets regularly. Nothing seems to be happening except for us trying to pick ourselves off the floor and meeting our various obligations, many of which involve Kai of course. He’s got a busier social life…
Dettol fights germs and replaces James Lye
So I’m not the only one to realise that in the Dettol TVC – Diana Ser’s husband is not James Lye! If you’re trying to convince us that you protect your family with Dettol, why are you using a double/sub for James?
Junk mail with a cause
I hate junk mail, and not the electronic kind. I get tons of paper jammed into our mailbox downstairs, and it really really irks me to see that companies keep thinking it’s the best way to get word out about their products and services. Well it’s not, and you’re not getting my business, pizza hut,…
Schools rugby back on the front page
So it seems the Great Padang Riot of 1984 has been matched by an incident of thuggery at the schools’ rugby final. According to the ST report, a Saint Andrew’s School player punched an ACS (I) player after the final whistle had gone, sparking a melée at the Police Academy (wah, daring ah?) field that…
A year and a week
It’s been a rough week since Kai’s birthday – with both Naomi and I under the weather with bouts of food poisoning, flu, and in Naomi’s case, a crook back that is a bit worrying, especially considering she’s had her spine surgerised before. And of course, a one-year old never lets up. Kai isn’t quite…