Sorry for spoiling your Sunday appetite

Sorry for spoiling your appetite
“Blueberry Hotcakes…PAGE28… …Mr Miyagi blogs in the toilet… PAGE 2”

Fluffy blueberry hotcakes together with fluffy story about how blogs are deadly in yesterday’s Sunday Times, where Xiaxue, Cowboy Caleb, Kenny Sia and myself were interviewed via email.

Dear Benjamin,

I’m Mun San from ST Life!. Sorry to bother, but I’m doing a story on how blogging affects the lives and health of local bloggers. This is a follow-up to a recent story on how two tech bloggers in the States died suddenly ( Wonder if you could help me with the story?

Yes, I can.

I’m sending my questions first, hope you don’t mind.

No I don’t.

– When did you start blogging?

2 April 2004

– How many posts do you write a month?

Between 15 and 30.

– What is the most number of posts you’ve ever written in a day?


– What is the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of blogging?

Accepting a condom advertiser and a year’s supply (by the condom company’s estimates) of free condoms.

– Do you find yourself having the urge to blog at the strangest places and times? eg do you blog while having meals, during concerts, in the toilet etc?

During meals, on an airplane (when they had wireless broadband), and especially in the toilet. I was once asked not to take photographs in the Drama Centre. I carry a camera almost everywhere and I felt almost disabled when I wasn’t allowed to bring my camera phone into reservist in-camp until my unit authorised me to be the official blogger-photographer.

– How often do you check your blog to see if there are new comments?

Thrice a day.

– It is reported that many bloggers suffer from weight loss/gain, insomnia etc. Has your health been affected in similar ways?

Deteriorating eyesight, but I think that has more to do with age.

– Do you feel the stress to beat fellow bloggers in coming up with the wittiest post, the fastest response to a piece of news etc?

Of course I do! I subscribe to several dozens of newswires on my RSS reader, and arm myself with a variety of blogging tools so I can update my blog on the fly.

– Do you believe that blogging can kill? Why?

If it can almost bring down (Malaysian) governments, I don’t see why not. But as they say, everything should be done in moderation. I don’t sit up all night blogging. I sometimes lie down and blog. It’s also good to have some food and a glass of water near you when you’re blogging, so you don’t get dehydrated or malnourished. But drinking too much water can kill too, and so can overeating.

– Has your wife complained about your blogging habits?

Yes, she has. She thinks I don’t blog often enough and sifts through the news for blogworthy items.

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10 responses to “Sorry for spoiling your Sunday appetite”

  1. idontknowwhyireadst Avatar

    did u have your brain check as kenny suggested?

  2. idontknowwhyireadst Avatar

    did u have your brain check as kenny suggested?

  3. Mr Miyagi Avatar

    I asked Kenny for a recommendation. He’s yet to get back to me.

  4. Mr Miyagi Avatar

    I asked Kenny for a recommendation. He’s yet to get back to me.

  5. Christel Avatar

    Its not your coverage that made me laugh. But the irony of Xiaxue’s coverage. She mentioned that she doesn’t check the comments on her blog because she finds them disheartening… -_-|||

  6. Christel Avatar

    Its not your coverage that made me laugh. But the irony of Xiaxue’s coverage. She mentioned that she doesn’t check the comments on her blog because she finds them disheartening… -_-|||

  7. Christel Avatar

    Its not your coverage that makes me laugh. But Xiaxue’s comment to not checking her blog comments: because they are disheartening??!! What irony!!

  8. Christel Avatar

    Its not your coverage that makes me laugh. But Xiaxue’s comment to not checking her blog comments: because they are disheartening??!! What irony!!

  9. condoms Avatar

    What is the most number of posts you’ve ever written in a day

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