Come on, if you don’t give me your tooth, I can’t give you your GST rebate
The Tooth Fairy is someone who takes the tooth that has fallen out (or has been extracted then given back to you by the dentist) and replaces it with cash money, right?
The Straits Times seems to think they give out toothbrushes:
KIDS in Singapore could soon be using what seems like a gift from the Tooth Fairy: a toothbrush that helps them swab the nooks and crannies of their mouths without much effort.
So it should be a gift to the Tooth Fairy, because she wouldn’t be giving out so much money if your teeth are so healthily kept they don’t fall out, right?
Wait, then again, it could be a gift from the Tooth Fairy, cos she doesn’t want to give out so much cash money, and so would want your teeth to be healthy, right?
So confusing. My teeth hurt.
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