Welcome to miyagi.sg

I haven’t figured out what to do with this yet. Enjoy ancient posts from the last 20-something years or so.

  • DSD: Parking Pontianak

    For your after-lunch entertainment. iTunes is playing an illegal copy of Crazy ‘Bout An Automobile (Every Woman I Know) from the album “Borderline” by Ry Cooder of which I have the original CD. Technorati Tags: dimsumdollies, Singapore, youtube Facebook Comments Box

  • Tell It Like It Is – On Your Blog

    Excerpt from yesterday’s Digital Life (which you can’t access online, so it’s reproduced here on a Malaysian news site): Take, too, Benjamin Lee, who writes as Mr Miyagi (https://www.miyagi.sg). He once had a run-in with the cafe Cedele, when he realised the menu did not accurately reflect how spicy the food was. After suffering much…

  • Poot, kerbaboom!*

    Sometimes when you travel somewhere often enough, you don’t notice or appreciate the things you see or hear. The latter being more so. Cars and motorcycles sound different in Malaysia, as the poster I saw attests. Car horns go ‘Pon’; motorcyles go a variety of ways, like ‘Prengg’, ‘Brengg’ (depending on the model and make,…

  • Human spirit abundant guest writer

    I was desperate to know what the Zaobao Now section of Zaobao was saying because there was a mention of ‘Mr Miyagi’, so I ran the paragraph over with my computer’s nifty translator widget, and this is what it said: Human spirit abundant guest writer Mr.Miyagi had even said perhaps, Lin Zhen thinks is the…

  • Representing Singapore

    A big thank you to Drs Edna Lim and Philip Holden for having Agagooga and myself at 10am in the morning, guest lecturing at NUS as part of the English Language & Literature Department’s ‘Representing Singapore‘ module. It was fun. (Thanks are in order to Agagooga and his fabulous Powerpoint skills too, or else I’d…

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