Author: Mr Miyagi

  • Welcome here

    Welcome, welcome, welcome! Thanks for dropping by here. Now bookmark this page, add it to your feeds and then… Sing it wif me! (Agnes Cunningham) (C) – (F) – (G) (C) How can you keep on moving un (F) less you migrate (C) too They tell ya to keep on moving but (G) migrate, you…

  • I waited and waited and waited

    …and in the end, buy I had to open the door myself iTunes Party Shuffle is playing a copy of Red Slurpee from the album “Away With The Pixies” by Ben Lee

  • TODAY: When a company met angry blogger

    In the age of the Internet grapevine, know your stuff before tackling customer complaints on the Web IT HAS been said, and quite often by bloggers, that businesses ignore blogs and online discussion forums at their peril. (Try a Google search with the term “businesses ignore blogs at their peril”, and you will see what…

  • When salespeople take the window out of window shopping

    Bad day, bad coffee, bad mood When you don’t have much money, like me, you’d sometimes like to do a spot of window shopping, which I tried to do today. It wasn’t a very good spot of window shopping, given the Sunday crowds and the rain which forced the Sunday crowds into the malls. Still,…

  • Hallo, macam moving new house

    Not bad ah, this new address for my very own glob. We’ll be migrating everything here soon.