Year: 2013

  • Global Hub For Football Match Fixing

    Jialat man. Our legit brands (apart from SIA) still struggle to make a dent internationally, and this fella stamps his authority globally simply by buying greedy football players and referees! Our Ya Kun Kayas and Crystal Jades mais well give up. The magnitude of the unfolding match-fixing scandal is mind boggling. English football matches and…

  • Give Your Loved Ones, Friends Or Colleagues Free Tigerair Flights This Festive Season

    Start counting down early with Tigerair as they give away 2014 pairs of air tickets in their Friend Fly Free Contest. It starts today and all you have to do is nominate your best friend, colleague or family member and tell them why Tigerair should fly him or her to any Tigerair destination for free!…

  • Throwback Tuesday: Once A Young Entrepreneur

    I loved reservist, and I never lied about that. I looked forward to buying stuff from Beach Road, packing my gear and heading to camp for however long training took. The other thing about in-camp training stints is that it is the best extended networking session government funds can buy. My mates from the 433rd…

  • Mediacorp’s Shameful Advertising Lorry

    In this day and age! Seriously, the LTA should ban Mediacorp, or more precisely, Mediacorp’s subsidiary, OOH, (another forced acronym) from owning vehicles. I get that you can use ad space on buses, MRT trains and taxis. But to use a lorry just to carry a billboard around our already jam-packed roads during f**king peak…

  • Mess With Their Minds While You Still Can

    This morning Kai charged into our bedroom all excited and proceeded to tell us in detail what his toy dinosaurs had been up to. He is now convinced the week’s incidents were not isolated. The toys who come alive in the middle of the night when no one’s looking, are organised and capable of complex…