Month: December 2009
Saving race
Because it has always been our government’s policy to pay attention to matters of race and ethnicity, our identity cards and government records require that we be classified under different “races”. Both my parents are Chinese, so there doesn’t seem to be anything complicated about that, even if you’re not comfortable with the notion of…
Best lazy Sunday ever
It’s mid afternoon and I’m sleepy, and before I know it, I’ve put my head down for a nap. Naomi pats Kai for a bit, and puts him down next to me, where he falls asleep in two seconds, and while drifting into sleep, I can hear Naomi’s breathing enough to know that she’s also…
Christmas Chocolate Giveaway
OK, not exactly chocolate, but Willie Harcourt-Cooze’s Willie’s Chocolate Factory Cookbook. Five of them, in fact. And to qualify for a chance at getting one of these books absolutely gratis, all you have to do is leave a comment (remember to put your email in the email box so I can contact you – don’t…
A first Christmas
Our Christmas tree is finally up, with a mix of home-made and store-bought trimmings. It’s our first Christmas tree because we thought it’d be nice for our new family to have one. The butterflies and snowflakes were be-glittered by Naomi. The pretty bows were tied by Naomi too. Heck, she did everything. I just helped…
A really bad restaurant
I seldom find a restaurant or food vendor that riles me up so much that I want to blog and say bad things about them. But it looks like we found one last night – it’s called ‘Grill-Out‘, and it’s on the 7th floor of the confusingly laid-out Orchard Central. But before I proceed with…