- From miyagi.sg: Weekly Tweets http://tinyurl.com/mw7g8t #
- From miyagi.sg: Weekly Tweets http://tinyurl.com/llxj9c #
- Doing 8Days a favour. RT @patlaw: RT @betshopboy: @patlaw with all due respect, I don't think @mrbrown needs 8Days to affirm his celebri … #
- Only in a men's toilet in Thailand: http://ping.fm/VYveX #
- RE: That be true. What eagle-eyed alertness, Wayne! http://disq.us/exl #
- The fonts in the plugins page are marginally smaller. RT @patlaw: I must be blind but I don't feel the difference in WordPress 2.8. #
- RT @HossanLeong: is back on air. Want a free weekend stay at the W Hong Kong? listen in! #
- From miyagi.sg: The Taiwanese food’s better here http://tinyurl.com/m6jl68 #
- RT @HossanLeong: forgot that he's on Lush 99.5 that's where you should tune in. Ha HA! #
- RT @HossanLeong: Who is your favourite chef and why? Email lush995@mediacorp.com.sg for your chance to win the weekend stay @ W Hong Kon … #
- RT @TheXiaxue: I predict my death will be: knocked down by car. Crossing road while twittering. #
- RE: Courtesy is for free
Courtesy is for you and me…Lalalalalalalalalalalalala…. dammit. I don't got it. http://disq.us/f1u #
- RE: They should have national campaign songs on 'Don't Forget The Lyrics', doncha think? http://disq.us/f20 #
- Good morning world. It's off to work! #
- RT @mrbrown: RT @khaosworks: Sarah Palin is so dumb she thought Megawati was how you measured the electrical output of her wall socket. #
- Bill's tall cabbie story: http://ping.fm/VIY3s #
- RT @HossanLeong: is giving away a Verve dining experience on Lush 99.5! #
- Eagerly watching COE bidding: http://ping.fm/9Ien1 #
- This heat is ridiculous! #
- RT @dsng: Meanwhile, Billy Joel is separating from his wife. And so it goes. Violated the "half-his-age-plus-7" rule. http://bit.ly/J3AV2 #
- does anyone know katakana? #
- Show support for democracy in Iran add green overlay to your Twitter avatar with 1-click – http://helpiranelection.com/ #
- Flickr Group called SGFail – Bad ads, Singrish (Singlish with typo) etc: http://bit.ly/n9IAA #
- RT @mrbrown: http://bit.ly/pZVfk The Macbook that Apple hid from you,,, #
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