I’m inspired by the entrepreneurial spirit featured in the Sunday papers last week. There was this really, really interesting story about three outlets in Singapore which offer alternative skin treatment in the form of fish eating your dead skin off your live body.
“Get prettier feet by allowing fish to nibble your dead skin”, said the Sunday Times. You can say goodbye to callouses and corns on your feet and hands by letting the fish do the work. According to what’s said in the paper, it’s also good for skin conditions like psoriasis, for which there is no current cure.
The fish they use are called Turkish spa fish, and are toothless, so they sorta nibble with their gums or something. This treatment is apparently becoming popular in “Japan, Korea and Europe”, says the report.
It doesn’t say where it originates, and I doubt it’s a Singaporean innovation, because then we’d have a package deal where you let the fish eat you, and then you eat the fish. With a choice of sauce. And a healthy herbal tonic on the side. 15% discount with selected credit cards.
Also, the three outlets that offer the service in Singapore are probably the only three places you can walk in the door and and yell, “Bite Me!” and no one would get offended.
I’m so inspired I’ve an idea for a start up offering a similar service, but that goes even further. In place of the Turkish spa fish, I’d opt for the Amazonian variety:
Fancy that Kate Moss or Calista Flockhart look?
Why stop at just pretty feet and hands, how about instant, massive weight loss?”
Our fish are bigger:
Photo by Brandon Cirillo
And have sharper teeth:
Photo by eschipul
And are hungrier:
Photo by wednesday181
Before and After Photos Prove The Difference:
Photo by Megapixel Eyes
Photo by morethanreal
Say goodbye to diets!
And everything else!
Visit us for our money back^ weight loss guaranteed* treatment:
Photo by ricardo.martins*cash in advance only
^Severe blood loss and death are a common side effect of weight loss treatment, but you’ll be so amazed with your new figure! So, never mind!
But seriously though, if you’re not queasy about it and want to have an alternative fish dip, check out Yeo Yann Yann and Dollei Seah’s outlet at Thomson:
Kampong Fish Therapy
275 Thomson Road #01-06 Novena Ville
Tel: 62580106
I don’t think they charge by weight.
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