

This just in. Naomi thought the cat was under the sofa rocking it, causing her to feel a little dizzy. Then we found the cat on his perch, and so she asked me to sit on the sofa to feel it swaying a bit.

“Why ah?”, she asked. Being the professional bullshitter that I am, I said, “I think the seat of the sofa sits on the base in an unstable way.”

I sat on the other sofa, which didn’t “sit on a base in an unstable way”, and said, “No, this one don’t have”, and then, “eh? Got”.

For confirmation, we stared at a glass of water on the coffee table, and saw ripples.

Oops, there it comes again!

There are no thundering sounds, so Jurassic Park III is ruled out, and I don’t think our neighbours have bought their 5:1 Dolby home theatre system yet.

Just switched on CNA on the telly, and they say there’s been a quake near Bengkulu, Sumatra at 7.9M.

USGS says its preliminary magnitude is 8.0 and a tsunami warning has been issued.

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11 responses to “Tremors”

  1. 30分前に、うちのアパートの棟が揺れたのを感じたよ! 午後7時14分頃、2分くらい続いたかな?今回は前の地震の時よりも激しかった!どこの国で地震があったんだろう?シンガポールのMr. Miyagiは、以下のように書いている。

  2. […] Mr. Miyagi in Singapore writes This just in. Naomi thought the cat was under the sofa rocking it, causing her to feel a little dizzy. Then we found the cat on his perch, and so she asked me to sit on the sofa to feel it swaying a bit. “Why ah?”, she asked. Being the professional bullshitter that I am, I said, “I think the seat of the sofa sits on the base in an unstable way.” I sat on the other sofa, which didn’t “sit on a base in an unstable way”, and said, “No, this one don’t have”, and then, “eh? Got”. For confirmation, we stared at a glass of water on the coffee table, and saw ripples. […]

  3. Health Nut Avatar

    Darn, I didn’t feel a thing. I felt the last one though- but not this one. I thought a friend was feeling dizzy indeed. Better call her back!

  4. Health Nut Avatar

    Darn, I didn’t feel a thing. I felt the last one though- but not this one. I thought a friend was feeling dizzy indeed. Better call her back!

  5. […] has confirmed the 7.9 Eartquake. Singapore buildings sway after strong quake hits Indonesia- Tremors- […]

  6. […] spüren. Wie man sich dort vergewissern kann, dass es sich um eine Erdbeben handelt, schreibt Mr. Miyagi: Man stelle ein Glas Wasser auf den Tisch – wenn sich gleichmäßige Wellen im Glas […]

  7. […] Mr. Miyagi [en] em Cingapura escreve “A Naomi achou que o gato estava embaixo do sofá, balançando ele, fazendo ela se sentir um pouco tonta. Então a gente achou o gato em outro lugar, e ela me pediu para sentar no sofá para sentir ele balançando um pouco. “Por quê”?, ela perguntou. Sendo o mentiroso profissional que sou, eu disse, “Eu acho que o assento do sofá está apoiado na base de modo instável”. Sentei no outro sofá, que não estava “apoiado na base de modo instável”, e disse, “Não, este não tem”, e então, “ei? Entendi”. Para confirmar, a gente olhou fixamente para um copo de água em cima da mesa e viu ondulações”. […]

  8. […] 新加坡的Mr. Miyagi提到: 地震剛發生,Naomi原以為是貓在沙發下鑽動讓她有些暈眩,後來發現貓原來坐在其他地方,所以她要我也坐在沙發上感覺搖晃,卻不知道為什麼,因為我向來喜歡胡說八道,於是我回答:「也許只是沙發站的地方不穩吧!」,結果卻發現不是這麼回事,為了確定情況,我們盯著桌上的水杯,結果在水面上看見漣漪。 […]

  9. […] zu spüren. Wie man sich dort vergewissern kann, dass es sich um eine Erdbeben handelt, schreibt Mr. Miyagi: Man stelle ein Glas Wasser auf den Tisch – wenn sich gleichmäßige Wellen im Glas zeigten, […]

  10. […] the past year there’ve been more tremors felt in Singapore than I remember in the last decade. And there might be an explanation for this, […]

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