What if Singapore were a person?

Good time to think about it, you know? Since National Day’s around the corner, and it’d be a bit, I dunno, funny if you thought about it any other time of the year?

How would you see Singapore personified? YouTube it and tag it ‘SingaporePersonified’ (one word). Doesn’t matter if National Day’s over by the time you do it. It’s like 12 days of Christmas, or 15 days of Chinese New Year.

Starring Irene Ang:

Update: Watch Parts Two and Three too!

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41 responses to “What if Singapore were a person?”

  1. marina Avatar

    I love this video! “dont run! dont run!” I like that line .. hahaha!

    Singapore personified as a fierce but loving mother, this is an interesting concept. I’d like to give this more thought 🙂

  2. marina Avatar

    I love this video! “dont run! dont run!” I like that line .. hahaha!

    Singapore personified as a fierce but loving mother, this is an interesting concept. I’d like to give this more thought 🙂

  3. DK Avatar

    Wow….. cool video.

  4. DK Avatar

    Wow….. cool video.

  5. lulu Avatar

    can tell that you are a smoker from your teeth

  6. lulu Avatar

    can tell that you are a smoker from your teeth

  7. Miss Loi Avatar


    Haha classic cantonese. *lol*

  8. Miss Loi Avatar


    Haha classic cantonese. *lol*

  9. […] if Singapore were a person?: Hosted by Mr Miyagi and starring Irene Ang. [via Miyagi]How cyclists get killed in Singapore: This video is an example of how one cyclist nearly gets […]

  10. nadnut Avatar

    lol! nice!

    boy ah! you always talk nonsense!

  11. nadnut Avatar

    lol! nice!

    boy ah! you always talk nonsense!

  12. If Singapore was a person…

    I first saw this in the Miyagi blog and am pasting it here ‘cos Irene Ang is a fantastic comedic actress, and the whole dialogue is just… plain funny. :p Happy National Day.

    What if Singapore was personified anyway? I think……

    1. He would b…

  13. Wahlau.NET Avatar

    haha…so free arr

  14. Wahlau.NET Avatar

    haha…so free arr

  15. shin Avatar

    Mr Miyagi featured two cool video clips on what Singapore would be like if she/he were a person. It got me thinking of the many lovely / not-so lovely people whom I met in my 4 years there. I have many fond memories of Singapore, and made life-long friends there. As a non-Singaporean, these are the people who, if I spot now on the streets of England, I’d label Sgian…

  16. shin Avatar

    Mr Miyagi featured two cool video clips on what Singapore would be like if she/he were a person. It got me thinking of the many lovely / not-so lovely people whom I met in my 4 years there. I have many fond memories of Singapore, and made life-long friends there. As a non-Singaporean, these are the people who, if I spot now on the streets of England, I’d label Sgian…

  17. Ivan Chew Avatar

    Irene Ng just cracks me up! LOL.

  18. Ivan Chew Avatar

    Irene Ng just cracks me up! LOL.

  19. […] Link Submitted by mooiness on August 04//11:32am and published by shianux, LMD :: add new comment | 12 reads | trackback […]

  20. […] guess this counts as an unofficial 2007 National Day Meme:What if Singapore were a person?Good time to think about it, you know? Since National Day’s around the corner, and it’d […]

  21. Mr Miyagi Avatar

    Irene ANG cracks me up even more.

  22. Mr Miyagi Avatar

    Irene ANG cracks me up even more.

  23. What if Singapore were a person?…

    # e came from a broken family. His father shed tears on the very day of his signing of the separation papers. He remembers vividly that his father saying: “No matter what, Singapore, we still love you.”
    # When he was young, he was academically gifte…

  24. What if Singapore were a person?…

    SG’s mother would be Irene Ang. (I LOVE the cantonese rants…! So real! And the part where she explains ‘give birth’ … !!!)…

  25. strangeknight Avatar

    Somehow, the first one’s the funniest. Must be the dialect 😀

    More! More! And man you’ve got a lot of red t-shirts Mr Miyagi!

  26. strangeknight Avatar

    Somehow, the first one’s the funniest. Must be the dialect 😀

    More! More! And man you’ve got a lot of red t-shirts Mr Miyagi!

  27. funnyfaceger Avatar

    wah piang!wah kao!i laughed till lau mak sai!irene,i stand up & salute u!Can count on u to bring more laughters & joys!Tks for making my day..
    Mr Miyagi,just realised u’ve got sexy brow..

  28. funnyfaceger Avatar

    wah piang!wah kao!i laughed till lau mak sai!irene,i stand up & salute u!Can count on u to bring more laughters & joys!Tks for making my day..
    Mr Miyagi,just realised u’ve got sexy brow..

  29. so funny I fell of my chair…

    I love the way she uses Singlish, Cantonese and Hokkien so bloody interchangebly and fluently.. it reminded me soooo much of when my mum used to cane me for doing badly in school/being rude/not eating dinner/being a bad boy in general….

  30. […] sure if singapore were personified (or website service-fied), she’ll be […]

  31. J. Avatar

    Happy Birthday Singapore!
    Hahaha..! I like this Irene Ang’s video best. I’ve watched it a few times over. She’s REAL good & damn funny! Ahh… just hope to see more of Irene’s videos in future. I think i prefer videocasts to podcasts.

  32. J. Avatar

    Happy Birthday Singapore!
    Hahaha..! I like this Irene Ang’s video best. I’ve watched it a few times over. She’s REAL good & damn funny! Ahh… just hope to see more of Irene’s videos in future. I think i prefer videocasts to podcasts.

  33. 42 Years Young…

    A FINE lady turns 42, and thanks to her, I get to enjoy a dayÂ’s break from the office. SheÂ’s lucky – Only a country can be 42 years old and be deemed as young. Hell, I started calling my mum Lao Chio (old but pretty hag in Hokkien) ever since she hit…

  34. National Day Special: What if Singapore were a person?…

    She would be a young woman in her twenties, bespectacled and always wearing shades of pastels (i dunno.. red always make me look fat)…

  35. Singapore National Day…

    So when Singaporean are celebrating their National Day, should we celebrate that Singapore is not part of Malaysia? ErrrÂ…well, i have no right to criticize Singapore Garment, but i enjoy watching the youtube videos by Mr.Miyagi, the guy that took part…

  36. […] of SingaporePersonified: What if Singapore were a person? What if Singapore were a person? Part Two What if Singapore were a person? Part Three Miyagisan […]

  37. 42 for Singapore…

    and i found these clips of ‘singapore personified’ quite hilarious , especially part three (links via tomorrow and mr. miyagi ) :…

  38. […] year ago in What if Singapore were a person? on miyagi.sg | My Very Own Glob {Curiosa Felicitas} […]

  39. bathmateus Avatar

    Actually i really like that posting. It's useful for us.


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