Thumbs up for the local brand

So I received an email from the operations director of Cedele, because he had read about my visit to their Great World City branch. He wrote that he had since conducted several ‘action items’, which, while I won’t list here, would have satisfied the most finicky of complaining customers.

I am seriously impressed, given the constant attention bad service tends to get in this fair city of ours.

And Cedele staff at Great World City, if you’re reading this, and if your operations director hasn’t told you yet, you guys are great! Every cafe should have staff as friendly and attentive as you lot.

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10 responses to “Thumbs up for the local brand”

  1. My RSSs Mr Brown Rockson Roy Ng Stylemywords Scott Adams RSSMiyagi

  2. stormie Avatar

    The Great World City branch has the best staff by far.

  3. stormie Avatar

    The Great World City branch has the best staff by far.

  4. BeR Avatar

    Erm…maybe someone had read your blog and forward this link to him? *Blowing that whistle….*

  5. BeR Avatar

    Erm…maybe someone had read your blog and forward this link to him? *Blowing that whistle….*

  6. taku27 Avatar

    Great World de gd.. but the lot at suntec.. omg.. damn jia lat.. well not the whole lot.. one or two of the staff have excellent service qualities..

  7. taku27 Avatar

    Great World de gd.. but the lot at suntec.. omg.. damn jia lat.. well not the whole lot.. one or two of the staff have excellent service qualities..

  8. _j Avatar

    apparently quite a number of f&b outlets have good service at Great World..try Tcc’s too..haha

  9. _j Avatar

    apparently quite a number of f&b outlets have good service at Great World..try Tcc’s too..haha

  10. […] Two days later, he got an e-mail from the chain’s operations manager who told him they had made changes to their menus. […]

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