Month: February 2005
An epiphany from doing nothing
The weather was supposed to be predictable. So I was very much peeved when I called off touch footy on account of a Category One storm brewing (because one does not recover from a lightning strike quickly enough for work on Monday), only for the clouds to clear and the rain to stop. But it…
Laws of our land: Part I
Being the kaypoh that I am, I got myself caught up in the furore that was unfolding on FF’s last couple of posts, in which she described how outraged she was at a dinner companion’s photographing her cleavage/bosom/chest/blouse. So, I looked up the Penal Code to see if, at law, what the dirty bastard did…
Let’s fold scarves
Me and Mr Brown, we’re going to our secondary school reunion dinner next week. It’ll be the first time either of us has attended such a thing. Not that it’s that important to maintain old school ties, but this one’s a big one. It is twenty years since we took our ‘O’ Levels. Naturally, a…
Blessings from between heaven and earth
I had a break in work yesterday morning and so I drove myself and my business partner to breakfast. In the car, he noticed three large blotches of birdshit on the windscreen, and laughed his head off. Totally understandable, because the blotches were so big they looked like upturned tubs of chutney (without the tubs).…
Our (shared) secret history: Reader email
…I agree about the pace of change and what with this whole ST interactive crap, it just accelerates the feeling that we have lost some of our identity and ‘anchor’ to the Singapore that we grew up. Too much change with shiny, plasticky, contrived ‘entertainment’ offerings are de riguer in Singapore and just about every…