Ich Dien

iTunes’ party shuffle is playing a copy of: The Ballad of John and Yoko – The Beatles – 1967-1970 Disc 2, of which I have the original CD and therefore didn’t steal music.

Und ich liebe Dich, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I’m booking-in in a few hours and I haven’t finished packing. Can’t seem to find stuff. Oh well, SAF e-Mart does lotsa business off idiot NSmen like me. See youse all when I book-out. Meantime, sleep soundly. Our nation’s security is in good hands.

New hat
The Ministry of Home Affairs has announced that Parking Aunties/Uncles will now wear camouflaged uniforms & floppy hats so they can hide behind and in the bushes.

Surf stop: Fat Eye For The Skinny Guy
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18 responses to “Ich Dien”

  1. Kevin Avatar

    Enjoy your hols Miyagi!

  2. Kevin Avatar

    Enjoy your hols Miyagi!

  3. Cupcake Queen Avatar

    Bye-oh… Looking forward to army tales when you get back.. 🙂

  4. Cupcake Queen Avatar

    Bye-oh… Looking forward to army tales when you get back.. 🙂

  5. Little Miss Drinkalot Avatar

    My god. Look at your eye bags.

  6. Little Miss Drinkalot Avatar

    My god. Look at your eye bags.

  7. Cowboy Caleb Avatar

    have a nice break in the jungle

  8. Cowboy Caleb Avatar

    have a nice break in the jungle

  9. Bubblemunche Avatar

    Sibeh German. We love you too, haha….

  10. Bubblemunche Avatar

    Sibeh German. We love you too, haha….

  11. Agagooga Avatar

    Wah so handsome.

  12. Agagooga Avatar

    Wah so handsome.

  13. mb Avatar

    Go Reservist no need shave one ah? Nowsadays Army rules so relak one.

    They should use you for Army ads, man. Muchiam Supermodel-rugged-soldier looks and all.

  14. mb Avatar

    Go Reservist no need shave one ah? Nowsadays Army rules so relak one.

    They should use you for Army ads, man. Muchiam Supermodel-rugged-soldier looks and all.

  15. Lost In Transition Avatar

    book out book out book out!! then we can go vroom vroom in the new lean mean machine u got!!!!

  16. Lost In Transition Avatar

    book out book out book out!! then we can go vroom vroom in the new lean mean machine u got!!!!

  17. Mr Miyagi Avatar

    I’m out for the weekend and I’m down with a cold. Bunking in close proximity with a Company of civilians simulating soldiers does that to you.

    mb, the RSM made me shave, and made the rest of the Battalion tuck in their ‘grey vests’ into their pants ‘during office hours’, so no, ‘standards’ haven’t dropped.

  18. Mr Miyagi Avatar

    I’m out for the weekend and I’m down with a cold. Bunking in close proximity with a Company of civilians simulating soldiers does that to you.

    mb, the RSM made me shave, and made the rest of the Battalion tuck in their ‘grey vests’ into their pants ‘during office hours’, so no, ‘standards’ haven’t dropped.

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