Visit Pet Shop Year 2004

iTunes’ party shuffle is playing: What’s Going On – Marvin Gaye – The Very Best of Marvin Gaye

Just what is going on? I went to a pet shop today. She went to a pet shop yesterday. She too, went to a pet shop.

Apart from a Persian that looked like the movie version of Garfield, I didn’t see anything I liked, so I came home, went online and I’ve my heart set on this cutie now.

“He’ll bite your head clean off!” “It’s a vicious rabbit with large, sharp, pointy teeth!” (Refresh to see ‘Vicious Attacking Action”)

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16 responses to “Visit Pet Shop Year 2004”

  1. Lost In Transition Avatar

    Christmas isn’t too far away, She knows what to get yer for that special holy moley moment 😉

  2. Lost In Transition Avatar

    Christmas isn’t too far away, She knows what to get yer for that special holy moley moment 😉

  3. Mr Miyagi Avatar

    No! Not The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch!? You are too sweet! I wouldn’t mind the Black Beast of Arrrgh! either, though.

  4. Mr Miyagi Avatar

    No! Not The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch!? You are too sweet! I wouldn’t mind the Black Beast of Arrrgh! either, though.

  5. Mezz Avatar

    Hubzy, there are many pups and kitties up for adoption instead of buying them at a pet shop. They just want some lurve if you have some to give…or I could just go rescue another kitty for ya. *wink*

  6. Mezz Avatar

    Hubzy, there are many pups and kitties up for adoption instead of buying them at a pet shop. They just want some lurve if you have some to give…or I could just go rescue another kitty for ya. *wink*

  7. FF Avatar

    Please don’t buy a pet. Go to There are plenty of needy doggies and kitties up for adoption.

  8. FF Avatar

    Please don’t buy a pet. Go to There are plenty of needy doggies and kitties up for adoption.

  9. cour marly Avatar

    OMG. Monty Python toys. Ni!

  10. cour marly Avatar

    OMG. Monty Python toys. Ni!

  11. Little Miss Drinkalot Avatar

    This little cutie sure could give my terror a run for his money!

  12. Little Miss Drinkalot Avatar

    This little cutie sure could give my terror a run for his money!

  13. PP Avatar

    Cute. Real cute. I love it!

  14. PP Avatar

    Cute. Real cute. I love it!

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