Category: Living

  • Amiss

    Just cos I went out last night doesn’t mean things at work got good. This morning, at the school we teach at, some kid missed the toilet bowl entirely. Hazardous Materials standard. The stench of humanity was so strong it brought tears to our eyes. The kid that missed missed so badly it must have…

  • Mr Miyagi goes undercover

    …And joins a meeting of a car enthusiast club. Armed with a vial of anti eye-glazing formula (SKIII Turbo) and an open mind, I was again invited to an evening of ‘investigative journalism’. This time, a friend asked for my esteemed company so that she could meet up with the members of the Mini Drivers…

  • This post is about work stress, not the rash

    Ever had one of those days where work stress got so bad you started getting a rash round your elbows and on your neck? I’m sure you have. I had one today. I’m still having one. One of those days. And the rash. I am a one-man Itchy & Scratchy Show. Fight fight fight fight…

  • Speechless, gobsmacked, stumped

    Agagooga gets all these search engine referrals with keywords that are a bit strange. But in the last 24 hours I got four from someone (or some people) yahooing the term ‘witty comeback’. Damn jia lat, must be Chinese New Year go visiting, kenah suan until nothing to say. Then go home angry, go online,…

  • Valentines Day hot enough for ya?

    It is so hot there’ve been bushfires. My Dad tells me, ‘eh, bushfire you know! Better don’t go out’, because he knows his son is stupid enough to go out and walk right into a bushfire. In the city. On a traffic island. (But I took him to the Botanic Gardens for lunch in any…