Month: May 2005
Ab Origine
The whole debacle was over a racist comment, wasn’t it? Because E@L is Ang Moh, and I had used the word Ang Moh to describe, well, Ang Mohs, he’s taken offence but also kindly pointed out that Ang Moh is also a racist tag. Any nickname derived from the physical attributes of the members of…
Hot blog for a hot day
Thank you Rory Daniel and the Sunday Times for featuring this blog on this week’s Hot Blog, which is like, the new Blog of The Week section of Tuesday’s IT Life, which, like, died out after four weeks, like. So, like, welcome all new readers who had to type in the URL manually, and to…
Kinda hot?
On a really hot day like Saturday was, you’d expect things to go wrong, and you’d get cranky as a result. Many things went wrong, and I got cranky. I even wanted to smack some people around good. Then I came home and my father waved an envelope at me, and waved and waved and…