Month: April 2005

  • Brain dunno go where

    There are some things you really shouldn’t do. Like trying to get up from your desk to go to the toilet when you’ve still got your headphones on your head. Good thing my laptop is quite heavy, and I didn’t so much yank the computer and some peripherals off the desk as much as re-injure…

  • The world around us

    My friend who travels a lot to far flung places often complains that we’re very parochial, us Singaporeans. We don’t know what’s going on in the world around us, outside of Singapore, she says. Remember ASEAN? That grouping of how many nations now? Neh, the ones that gave us the Tiger Cup and the SEA…

  • Linky stuff

    So busy with work, so long blog posts will have to wait. Steph Song’s really back in town, and she called yesterday from her land phone, which I didn’t know the number of, and so answered the call very politely. She greeted me politely too, like someone who’s about to kill me would. Where didja…

  • How to enjoy your browncast

    If you’ve been enjoying your dose of the mr brown show podcast, here’s a suggestion on how you can improve the browncast experience: If you’ve already downloaded the mp3 show files manually or via subscription and placed them into a ‘mr brown’ playlist, you could add your favourite songs to that playlist, so it becomes…

  • Stupidity Factor

    I’m happy to do National Service not because I’m a True Believer, partly because I’m never sure what I believe in. But National Service is such a way of life here that I’m better off not spending my time kicking against it while having to serve, because that’d make me a whole lot more miserable.…