

The concerts around the planet are in full swing right now, and the heavy loads on the Windows Live Spaces servers are taking its toll. It’s down at the moment, but you’ll still be able to view performances from all the concert cities on http://www.liveearth.org/
Doesn’t matter if you don’t know the difference between Snow Patrol or the Arctic Monkeys. Tune in and enjoy.

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7 responses to “7.7.07”

  1. del.icio.us tags: Live Earth, Concert, Earth, save, Environment 1. MSN LIVE EARTH Official Website 2. Mr Miyagi’s blog: 7.7.07 – July 08 2007 2. Mr Miyagi’s blog: Xiaxue will save the planet – July 07 2007 3. Xiaxue’s blog: 07-07-07 – 07 July 2007 4. are you green’s livespace: Are you green? 5. are you green’s livespace:

  2. Stan Avatar

    Cool to read that you are following up on the Live Earth concerts too. It’s great over here for us to watch live coverage from the concerts in London and Hamburg hehe 😛 But it certainly is ironic, to think the amount of electricity, waste and CO2 that were produced by the masses, and the aeroplanes and vehicles to transport the singers and their equipment…oh well.

  3. Stan Avatar

    Cool to read that you are following up on the Live Earth concerts too. It’s great over here for us to watch live coverage from the concerts in London and Hamburg hehe 😛 But it certainly is ironic, to think the amount of electricity, waste and CO2 that were produced by the masses, and the aeroplanes and vehicles to transport the singers and their equipment…oh well.

  4. Stan Avatar

    Oh well, at least Al Gore did ask for a status report on the cleaning up and cleanliness of the cities after the concerts. Wonder how Sydney would compare to Tokyo and Kyoto, given that they ended earlier.

  5. Stan Avatar

    Oh well, at least Al Gore did ask for a status report on the cleaning up and cleanliness of the cities after the concerts. Wonder how Sydney would compare to Tokyo and Kyoto, given that they ended earlier.

  6. keith Avatar

    I doubt people turning on their tvs and computers 24hrs to catch the concerts help save the earth in any way. I’m with the arctic monkeys on this.

    I just think its to sell records.. like how the bands tht played live 8 got a surge in sales the next week.

  7. keith Avatar

    I doubt people turning on their tvs and computers 24hrs to catch the concerts help save the earth in any way. I’m with the arctic monkeys on this.

    I just think its to sell records.. like how the bands tht played live 8 got a surge in sales the next week.

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