On this blog, you will not find any commentary on the US Elections. While the author is not an idiotic gossip columnist, he finds a lot of time for things of little consequence. Such as these which follow:
1. Posted on Days Were The Those:
Time flies. It’s been six months since I received my SAF 100 notice, and now my good ol’ Brigade HQ has sent me another letter telling me to cut my hair, to keep it black, and to pack my field pack items (including a diagram of how all the barang barang would be laid out during inspection).
Brigade HQ also tells me that ‘shortfalls’ in personal items can be purchased through the SAF e-Mart online, and can be picked up at my camp when I book-in. But there are some things I can’t buy online.
The training program for this year’s in-camp training (ICT) is also available at the NSMan’s web portal, and I am looking forward to 17 days of Error 404, page not found…. [READ MORE HERE]
2. Germaine gets a free bum wash and isn’t too pleased about it:
Then I saw a leaf stuck onto my shoe and bent down while sitting there to pick it off. THEN THE TOILET FLUSHED. MY BUTT GOT WASHED. blush I AM NOT HAPPY AT ALL ABOUT THE PROSPECT OF HAVING WATER THAT CONTAINS MY FAECES SQUIRTING ONTO MY BUTTOCKS. Tomorrow I’m going to stick a sticker onto the sensor. Flush lah, flush somemore lah! I sticker you then you know.
(Warning: Youngpeoplenowsaday use very small font. Macam what my brother calls ‘Bird-dust’)
3. Chinese are Jews, says this “historian”. (From Danwei’s blog)
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