Tag: Travel

  • Me walk pretty one day*

    Probably the best day of our Shanghai trip came when we persisted in going out for a walk despite the pissy weather, having had the best laid plans of visiting the ghetto and other historically significant places dashed by the rain and not knowing beforehand that a Shanghainese wedding starts at 3pm. We had just…

  • Particular flavours

    Because it is compulsory to go to a supermarket anywhere Naomi and I travel to, I got to see the varieties of potato crisps on the shelves. No mere salt ‘n’ vinegar chippies for the Chinese! Alongside the shelves of knock-offs, there were cucumber flavor potato chips from Lays! Normally if I had a craving…

  • Fit the bill?

    I reckon Spongebob Squarepants is out of the running for this personal ad on account of the shape of his head. But for the rest of you oblong-headed lovelorn blokes out there, ed your soulmate is in Shanghai awaiting your response and your kind assistance in teaching her how to press the space bar after…

  • Shanghai by night

    Even though it doesn’t seem like it, some parts of Shanghai do sleep at night. But before they do, the two main thoroughfares of Huaihai & Nanjing Roads are breathtaking in their neon lights, their crowds, and their slippery walkways. Technorati Tags: shanghai, travel

  • Deluge

    I think I brought the rain here. It hasn’t stopped since I arrived, and it doesn’t look like stopping before I leave. So much for the highly anticipated self-guided walking tour of this grand city, which, at the moment, looks like a scene out of Bladerunner: Rain, neon billboards, flying taxis (well, they almost fly…