Month: August 2012

  • Rehearsal Start Liao! (Not NDP)

    Today’s the first day of rehearsals for the Hossan Leong Show: Flying Solo. Hilarity should ensue, given the FB exchange that’s just taken place:

  • But Singapore Doesn’t Have A Mouth

    With the impeccable logic of a three year old, Kai questioned me over my explanation of National Day. I had said that National Day was Singapore’s birthday, and so everyone in Singapore got to celebrate. He said, “Papa, but Singapore doesn’t have a mouth”. Took a while before I said, “But everyone in Singapore has,…

  • For All Singaporean Taxi Drivers: A Special Warning

    Chris Reed, who has “25 years of senior marketing experience on both the client and agency side in the UK and now in Asia Pacific” published a badly written rant about our country’s taxi drivers and tried to disguise it as an opinion piece on the website Singapore Business Review. Everyone is entitled to an…

  • My Sec One Classmates

    From my Secondary One class (1982): I’m kinda known as a writer of nonsense, my classmate Chuan-Jin is now Senior Minister of State for National Development and Acting Manpower Minister, and one other classmate became known as VR Man. I guess you could say we took home different lessons from our teachers.

  • Fungal Infusions

    Once I found out I was suffering from hypertension, I wasted no time and went to Funan to buy a blood pressure monitor dock that works with iOS. Mais well, right? So it turns out that without hypertension medication (I’m only on two types of statins), my BP has come down from 157/90 to 129/90.…